How to Run an eCommerce Business with Shared Hosting?

How to Run an eCommerce Business with Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting makes a great starting point for new websites. It is the most affordable form of web hosting and also one of the oldest. A Shared Server-based hosting plan starts at just above Rs 150/- per month, which makes it ideal for small companies. And so far, Shared Hosting in India has mainly been used for small websites such as blogs, startups and informative websites. As soon as a site grows beyond a certain size, its owners move it to other platforms. What would happen if Shared Website Hosting was used to run an eCommerce business?

Will it work? Before checking its feasibility, let’s understand Shared Hosting in brief.

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting is a type of hosting system that hosts multiple websites on one physical server. Each of these websites gets its own folder, but shares all the system’s resources like RAM, storage and processing power. This grouping of websites together is what makes it so affordable, but also leaves it open to concerns about its performance and security. However, if purchased from a reliable provider, Shared Hosting is known to perform admirably and ensure a secured environment. These two traits make it a viable option for running an eCommerce business without too many hassles.

What does an eCommerce website need?

Performance and security are of paramount importance for an eCommerce site. Performance ensures that it offers the best user experience while security protects all its financial transactions. If an eCommerce website takes too long to load products, frustrated users will simply leave the website, never to return. If an eCommerce website suffers a data breach or malware attack, it will lose its credibility and its users’ trust. Other than these two, it also needs a low-cost hosting solution as any additional expenses affect its bottom line. Shared Hosting has all these traits, within reasonable expectations, and it will work effortlessly for most online stores.

Shared Hosting is scalable.

Resource scalability will allow your website to grow at its own pace, even if it is faster than usual. Scalability will also ensure that your website doesn’t go down if the system resources start running out. It is just a matter of adding more resources seamlessly. In India, hosting plans are pretty reasonably priced, especially in Shared Hosting. So if your website outgrows its selected hosting plan, you can shift to a higher one.

It has a proven track record.

Shared Hosting has been around for a long time, and it has evolved over the years. With the right hardware and security measures, it is ready to handle the demands of an eCommerce website. First of all, it is affordable. Then it offers easy access to admin panels, which simplifies the day-to-day tasks like accessing site data, uploading new files and installing new plugins. It comes in handy while adding new functionality to your eCommerce store. Most Shared Hosting providers offer 24X7 live support, which could prove crucial in an emergency.

All in all, Shared Hosting is equipped to handle a comprehensive website like an eCommerce store. It is easy to boost the performance of Shared Hosting. All you need to do is believe in its abilities.

The following video will guide you to boost the performance of your Shared Hosting setup –