10 Secrets of Hiring the Right SEO Company

Even if you are armed with a lot of SEO knowledge, you may still need the services of a professional SEO company. Having knowledge of SEO is not enough in some cases. Even if you do your best to try to get a good ranking for your website, you may still be wondering why your website is not performing well. For starters, you must understand that your website must be fully optimized in all elements. Not only that, but your website must be maintained on a regular basis. SEO is a continuous process that includes a lot of time and effort. To make things easier, you are better off taking advantage of the services of a competent SEO company like SEO Toronto to do the work for your website.

There are many SEO companies nowadays, and there are many companies that can be trusted as well as that which cannot be relied upon. So it is very important that you choose the perfect SEO Company. Here are 10 important points that you should pay attention to when choosing an SEO service:

Site Evaluation Guide

Does the SEO company offer site evaluation guides? A reliable SEO company should have the ability to provide you with extensive analysis of your site, regarding its ranking and design structure. This can be done by conducting a website audit. The results of this website audit will allow the SEO company to offer you a proposal on how much work will need to be done to get you to a certain ranking level. They must be able to advise and troubleshoot all aspects related to performance, content, and design that may hinder the reading or indexing of your pages.

Keyword Searching Tool

What tools do SEO agencies use to find keywords? Do they offer competitive analysis based on the keywords you choose? Understanding what SEO Agencies use for keyword evaluation or research is very important. It will be especially helpful if you do your own due diligence using basic tools, such as doing keyword research and analysis through the use of the keyword planner in Google AdWords.

Backlinks to Website

Where will the SEO Company return the link from? Backlinks are just as, if not more, important in SEO than onsite optimization. The SEO company should be able to get high-quality backlinks from reputable websites that are closely related to your niche. Ask your SEO Company what techniques they employ to collect backlinks.

Fee Structure

A reliable SEO company won’t just give you a quote once they know how much work to include. Charging you high fees does not necessarily mean that you receive high-quality service. It also does not ensure that the rates quoted are appropriate and consistent with the services that the SEO Company will provide. A good SEO agency should be able to provide you with an overview of the services that will be based on a performance and price contract.


Did your SEO Company provide you with a timeline? Through hard work and proper planning, results can be achieved on time. Some SEO companies offer SEO packages that claim to put you on the first page of search results in just 10 days. But realistically, no SEO Company can guarantee you the number 1 position on Google within 10 days.

Your SEO campaign will take 6-18 months to deliver the best results you expect. Make sure you don’t give up on false promises. On the other hand, avoid SEO services that give you a time limit. A good SEO company knows that optimization is an ongoing process and they need to be able to offer regular maintenance, customer support, and the right upgrades.

SEO techniques

What SEO strategies will your SEO Company use to improve your ranking? You have to watch out for companies that will use spam advertising methods to place you in the top rankings in no time. If the strategy includes any form of dishonest practice, such as sending spam or defrauding online search engines, you should turn away immediately.

A trustworthy and responsible SEO company will ensure that you will not be exposed to spam or misleading services. Keep in mind that if it is based on the use of deceptive strategies, your site could be excluded from Google’s indexing, which will certainly blacklist your site. Knowing your SEO Company and doing your own research on how proper SEO is done is very important in choosing the ideal company.

Provide Targeted Traffic

Do they understand the difference between regular traffic and targeted traffic? You will be hiring the services of an SEO Company mainly because you need to attract traffic to your website. However, what you need is targeted traffic that provides you with visitors who might actually be interested in buying your product or service. This is based on the keywords you want to generate prospects for.

You don’t want irrelevant traffic coming to your website because of irrelevant keywords. Unqualified traffic only increases your bounce rate (surfers who come to your page and leave immediately) and not your sales. An experienced SEO company will create relevant content for your site and distribute it to relevant channels, social media, and Press Releases (PR). This has the potential to lead to natural backlinks that will improve your overall ranking in search engines.

Transparent Results

A professional SEO company must have clear actions to achieve the desired results within a certain period of time. They need to be able to show the client what was completed for the first month and the following months. With this, you will be able to determine how much work to do with respect to your costs, allowing you to determine your ROI. A clear outline of the work in the proposal should be available at all times to show the extent of the campaign. This includes how much fresh, high-quality relevant content they will publish on your website each week. How many distribution channels? What social media, article directories, and websites will they use to publish your content? How many PR applications? And how many backlinks are generated? These are qualifying questions that any good SEO company needs to answer.


A comprehensive reporting system should be provided to show the progress of the SEO campaign, as well as the ranking status of the site. This reporting can be monthly or quarterly. The report should be clear and concise, using the right combination of graphics and text. This will serve as a benchmark for how the company progresses to your desired ranking status.

Performance Guarantee

Does the SEO Company offer some kind of guarantee, such as a traffic increase percentage? While there are many factors involved in an SEO campaign, a professional SEO company will be able to provide a performance guarantee based on years of experience and proven methodology.

These are the main considerations you need to pay attention to when hiring an SEO Agency to ensure that you don’t waste money. SEO is an important marketing strategy for growing your business in the digital world. This is a time-consuming endeavor but has a greater ROI in the long run when compared to other marketing options.